You are your child’s first sexual health educator.

Thinking about talking to your kids about sex and relationships can be stressful. Our group workshops, parent programs and counselling can help you learn how to have these important conversations with your child in a way that fits with your values and supports your child’s growth and learning.

Everyone wants their child to be healthy and happy with their bodies, in their relationships and in the community. We’re here to help.

Talking to your kids about sexuality and sexual health

“Can we Talk?” Workshops

When your child asks… will you be ready? Learn skills and tools to navigate the important conversations about sexuality and sexual health with your child or teenager.

One-on-One Parent Education

Are you curious about how to talk to your kids about sex and relationships? Set up an education session!

Customized Workshops

Are you a parent/guardian looking for a customized workshop? Contact our Education Team to arrange a workshop that best suits your needs.

For parents of gender and sexually diverse children and youth

Together in Pride

A community for families of gender- and sexually-diverse children and youth.

Raising Rainbows

A program for parents, caregivers and families of gender and sexually diverse children and youth. Learn more about gender identity and how to best support your child.