• This program is for:

    2SGBTQ+ men including cis, trans, and other gender diverse folks.

  • Costs & Fees

    There is no cost for this program.

  • Location

    Events will take place throughout Calgary.

  • Hours & Availability

    Events will take place at various times.

  • How to Register

    Check our Events Calendar for upcoming events.

  • Contact Us

    Contact Us

2SGBTQ+ Men’s Community Engagement 

We know that Two Spirit, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (2SGBTQ+) men have unique needs and experiences when it comes to their health. We also know that the community does not always have the spaces and places to connect with each other to build knowledge and skills.

Centre for Sexuality is excited to offer a variety of programming for 2SGBTQ+ guys to address some of these needs and create opportunities for connection and learning in Calgary and area. See below for our current program offerings.

We also host one-time events for the community throughout the year. For up-to-date event listings, please visit our Events Calendar or check out our social media for further details!

The Community advisory board is hosting a virtual book club each month! Gays and Good Reads is an opportunity for queer men aged 18 and older to engage in meaningful discussions centered around literature that explore health, culture, relationships and the lived experiences of queer men.
Each month, we will select a book that resonates with our community, fostering a deeper understanding of our shared narratives and challenges. This is an opportunity for 2SGBTQ+ men to connect with others, broaden their perspectives and enrich their lives through the world of queer literature.

Why Join?

Reading and discussions around literature can enhance mental health outcomes and inspire behavior change by encouraging critical thinking and enhancing imagination. Additionally, this space facilitates dialogue on important topics like sexual health and resilience. Participating in this literary exploration empowers individuals and can contribute to overall well-being.

How do I Join?

No application form is required! Folks who want to join can send a brief paragraph to the Gay Men’s Health Specialist (jfunkhouser@centreforsexuality.ca) that contains:
  • Your name and pronouns
  • How you identify (gender identity and sexual orientation)
  • Your relationship to reading
  • Why you want to join
This information will remain confidential and will only be used to facilitate the book club.