
Asexuality means that someone doesn’t experience sexual attraction to others or has a very low desire for sexual activity. Asexual folks (or “aces”) are generally not sexually attracted to others. Just like other sexual orientations, it’s not a choice – it’s just part of who someone is.⁠

Asexuality is not confusion, low libido, a choice, a dry spell or something that goes away once you meet the “right person.” It’s real, normal and natural.⁠

Asexuality and Relationships

Being asexual doesn’t necessarily mean someone doesn’t experience romantic attraction. While many people experience romantic and sexual attraction in tandem, the two are separate for lots of people.⁠

Aces may or may not experience romantic attraction; being in a relationship doesn’t mean they are not asexual.⁠

The Ace Umbrella

Many people fit under what’s called the ace umbrella, including gray-asexuality and demisexuality. Asexuality Archive offers a great description of the multitude of experiences under the ace umbrella:⁠

“Is it clear where you fit if you’ve only felt sexual attraction once in your entire life, then never again? Is it clear where you fit if you occasionally feel something that could potentially be sexual attraction, but it’s so weak that a passing breeze is enough to make it stop? Is it clear where you fit if you’re sometimes sexually attracted to people and you like sex, but don’t feel any drive to seek it out and would be fine without it? Is it clear where you fit if you’re not sure what sexual attraction even is, let alone whether or not you’ve felt it? Gray-asexuals live in this land of confusion.”

Find More Information

Find more information about asexuality and the ace umbrella at The Trevor Project.