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This section contains information about pregnancy, including how to test for pregnancy and your options if you are pregnant. If you think you might be pregnant and want to talk to someone about your options, we’re here to help.
When we talk about bodies in this resource, we will be using the term “person with a penis” instead of male and “person with a vulva/vagina” instead of female to include all bodies and identities.
If You Think You're Pregnant
Signs of Pregnancy
If your period is late and you’re wondering if you are pregnant, the best thing to do is to take a pregnancy test and find out. If you think you are...

Pregnancy Tests
How to Get a Pregnancy TestIf you aren’t sure if you are pregnant, the best thing to do is to take a pregnancy test.You can take a urine pregnancy t...
If You Know You're Pregnant
Sex & Pregnancy
Sexual Intercourse During PregnancySex can be safe and enjoyable throughout pregnancy. Some people find sex during pregnancy to be pleasurable in new ...
The Abortion Choice
Abortion may be the right choice for someone who does not want to be pregnant at this time. It could be the right choice for people who want to end th...
The Adoption Choice
AdoptionAdoption can be a good choice if a person is unable to parent and they would like to continue the pregnancy. Making an adoption plan can be do...
The Parenting Choice
Parenting can be a positive choice for anyone who feels prepared to take on this role. It is important to consider that the choice of parenting will a...
Deciding What To Do
If you’ve just found out you’re pregnant, you might be wondering about your options. In Canada, people have the right to consider all three option...
2SLGBTQ+ and Pregnancy
2SLGBTQ+ and Pregnancy
There are fertility clinics that specialize in supporting 2SLGBTQ+ parents. If you are looking for information, research, resources, and training plea...