In June of 1969, the New York police raided the Stonewall Inn, a known gathering place for members of the 2SLGBTQ+ community. That night, the patrons fought back, sparking the Stonewall Riots, which would become the catalyst for the gay rights movement. One year later, on the anniversary of the riots, the first Pride Parade took place in commemoration of the uprising and the fight for equal rights has remained strong since. Today, we highlight Pride for the entirety of June, and it has evolved into celebrating a resilient community and a period to outwardly champion and support the 2SLBGTQ+ community

While we’ve come a long way since 1969, there is still a need for allyship and demonstrated support of the 2SLGBTQ+ community beyond the month of June, too. Being an ally is a lifelong process of celebrating and supporting 2SLGBTQ+ people. It’s more than showing up for an annual parade; it’s about allyship, advocacy and action every day.

“Allyship is so important,” says Pam Krause, the CEO of the Centre for Sexuality. “Minority groups are smaller in numbers, power and influence. So, to actually make social change, we need people alongside us who are also willing to speak out, show their support and show it in tangible ways.”

For more than 50 years, the Centre for Sexuality has been leading the way in the areas of sexuality, healthy relationships, human rights, gender identity, sexual orientations, equality and consent. The Centre’s staff offers a wealth of first-hand experiences and is a trusted source for evidence-based and judgement-free information.

Pride Month is about celebrating the 2SLGBTQ+ community and highlighting their voices. For allies, it’s an opportunity to support and learn more. Here, the Centre shares some ideas for how to take pride beyond June and into the year.

Speak Up

Don’t be afraid to respectfully challenge someone if they’re being discriminatory or hurtful in any way. This is a tangible way to show support to 2SLGBTQ+ individuals and can open the door to informative discussions and opportunities to learn and grow.

Stay Open and Curious

Don’t make assumptions based on what you’ve heard about the 2SLGBTQ+ community. Be curious and learn about individual circumstances. The more you know about individuals, the better you will be able to provide support. Recognize that this is a process, and you may make mistakes, but by being open, you will learn and find ways to be a better ally.

Take Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Training

It’s not always easy to know what to say or when to intervene politely — it’s a learning process. A training workshop has the resources to equip you with the knowledge and tools to be a better ally, and plenty of them are available.

Want to Keep Learning?

The Centre for Sexuality offers training for people from all backgrounds with different levels of knowledge. The workshops are designed to help create a culture of respect for 2SLGBTQ+ individuals in the workplace and the community. All workshops are customized to meet people where they’re at and ensure they leave with skills and tools they can take forward into their lives.

For more information on the training available and how you can be a good ally all year round, visit our Online Resource Library.