Right to Love (R2L)
Right to Love (R2L) is a group of people with disabilities and our allies working together to make healthy choices about love.
Our vision is a city where people have the right and the support to make healthy choices about love. R2L organizes parties where people can meet each other, has meetings to talk about the right to love and support each other, and advocates for people’s right to love in Calgary.
Who is Right to Love?
Right to Love is made up of people with disabilities and allies who believe in every person’s right to love, relationships and sexual health information.
What do we believe?
- Everyone is a sexual being.
- Everyone deserves education and support.
- Everyone loves.
Where do our members come from?
Right to Love is a partnership between the Centre For Sexuality and the Disability Action Hall, but we welcome anyone within the Calgary community who wants to create change for people with disabilities.
How can you find us?
Find us on Facebook! Search “Right to Love”
Call 403.717.7630 or look for the Disability Action Hall online www.actionhall.ca.